Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 7 - Like riding a bike

Tonight's weight session went very well. We lowered the weight on the squats by 15 lbs, but still really felt it. I'm hoping for moderate DOMS tomorrow; not debilitating, just "I worked hard" soreness.

Both of us increased our number of pushups and prone jackknives and I didn't have to correct Scott's form nearly so much as the first round. LOL.



True facts: I haven't lifted since... well, let's just say that I was in high school last time I lifted, and that was mostly with machines. I'm really starting to learn and appreciate the value of free weights.

And if my quads aren't quadracep jam tomorrow morning, I might throw in some cardio with a nice bike ride. If it doesn't rain too hard, that is.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's Rachel from MFP! Awesome blog! :) Mine is

    Keep up the great work!!!
